Philip Glass Ensemble performing live music to the movie "Powaqqatsi" at the Rose Theater on Saturday night, June 4, 2005."Powaqqatsi" is directed by...
Last fall, Ken Burns works in a sound studio in New York working on the soundtrack for his new movie World War II scheduled to air on PBS in...
Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey," with live music from the soundtrack, performed by the New York Philharmonic, at Avery Fisher Hall on...
Philip Glass Ensemble performing live music to the movie "Powaqqatsi" at the Rose Theater on Saturday night, June 4, 2005."Powaqqatsi" is directed by...
top view of vinyl records, cassettes, a walkman and headphones with orange foam, musical reproduction elements of the 70s, 80s and 90s with colorful background design - サウンドトラック ストックフォトと画像
single audio cassette tape with loose tape spilling from top cassette and a pen on vintage style - サウンドトラック ストックフォトと画像