Sporadic fighting continues in Beirut

Sporadic fighting continues in Beirut; LEBANON: Beirut: BV Man digging in background, a JCB digging mass graves MS Group of men digging LMS JCB at work soldiers to one side (no more room for single graves) MS Soldier with radio phone in hand, tank AMX 13 behind him MS AMX 13 fires Mian gun GV Shell hits MS AMX fires again MS PAN Rashid Karami (Lebanese Prime Minister) from car, stopped by widow who shouts at him and shows him photographs MS Walid Jumblatt (Cabinet Minister and Druze Ldr) interview SOT: - "Lebanon is like a -- for it" GV The Green Line, some cars along East Beirut: LS Check point with Christian soldier on it LMS Soldier watching traffic West Beirut: LMS Shi-ite Amal militia manned checkpoint East Beirut: MS Christian manned 105mm Howitzer (supplied by Israel) BV Ditto TS Shells being checked MS Women shopping in a supermarket MS Sales girl (Christians impose taxes on most goods) MS People in cafe eating MS Man paying for petrol MS Christian church service MS PAN people in church West Beirut: GV Mosques in Beirut TS Men at prayer in the open air MS Shi-ite soldiers, one armed with an RPG 7 (supplied by Syria) CS Poster of Ayatollah Khomeini PULL BACK street scene, soldier patrols MS Arabs in street MS Woman and child with a load of ducks MS Two old Arabs sitting and talking MS Market stalls GV Cars driving along PAN to bomb and battle damaged streets MS DAVID SMITH I/C SOF: - "What makes -- conflicted"
Sporadic fighting continues in Beirut; LEBANON: Beirut: BV Man digging in background, a JCB digging mass graves MS Group of men digging LMS JCB at work soldiers to one side (no more room for single graves) MS Soldier with radio phone in hand, tank AMX 13 behind him MS AMX 13 fires Mian gun GV Shell hits MS AMX fires again MS PAN Rashid Karami (Lebanese Prime Minister) from car, stopped by widow who shouts at him and shows him photographs MS Walid Jumblatt (Cabinet Minister and Druze Ldr) interview SOT: - "Lebanon is like a -- for it" GV The Green Line, some cars along East Beirut: LS Check point with Christian soldier on it LMS Soldier watching traffic West Beirut: LMS Shi-ite Amal militia manned checkpoint East Beirut: MS Christian manned 105mm Howitzer (supplied by Israel) BV Ditto TS Shells being checked MS Women shopping in a supermarket MS Sales girl (Christians impose taxes on most goods) MS People in cafe eating MS Man paying for petrol MS Christian church service MS PAN people in church West Beirut: GV Mosques in Beirut TS Men at prayer in the open air MS Shi-ite soldiers, one armed with an RPG 7 (supplied by Syria) CS Poster of Ayatollah Khomeini PULL BACK street scene, soldier patrols MS Arabs in street MS Woman and child with a load of ducks MS Two old Arabs sitting and talking MS Market stalls GV Cars driving along PAN to bomb and battle damaged streets MS DAVID SMITH I/C SOF: - "What makes -- conflicted"



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