Old engraved illustration of Sailing ship - Galleon, large, multi-decked sailing ships first used as armed cargo carriers by European states from the 16th to 18th centuriesの写真素材
Antique Illustration, Copyright has expired on this artwork. From my own archives, digitally restored.
Getty ImagesOld Engraved Illustration Of Sailing Ship Galleon Large Multidecked Sailing Ships First Used As Armed Cargo Carriers By European States From The 16th To 18th Centuries, ストックフォトゲッティイメージズでは、最高品質の本格的なOld engraved illustration of Sailing ship - Galleon, large, multi-decked sailing ships first used as armed cargo carriers by European states from the 16th to 18th centuriesのストックフォトをダウンロードできます。豊富なビジュアルカタログから類似の高解像度ストックフォトが見つかります。Product #:1464735597
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