American politician and US President Ronald Reagan speaks with members of the Geneva Delegation in the White House's Cabinet Room, Washington DC,...
Director Dick Darman , flanked by Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, speaking during WH announcement of Savings & Loan rescue plan.
Director Dick Darman , withTreasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, during WH announcement of Savings & Loan rescue plan.
President George Bush announcing his Savings & Loan rescue plan.with Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and OMB Director Richard Darman in background.
Director Dick Darman , flanked by Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, speaking during WH announcement of Savings & Loan rescue plan.
Director Dick Darman , flanked by Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady, speaking during WH announcement of Savings & Loan rescue plan.
Comptroller of Currency Robert Clarke speaking to OMB Director Dick Darman during Bush announcement of White House Savings & Loan rescue plan.
President George Bush announcing his Savings & Loan rescue plan.with Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and OMB Director Richard Darman in background.
President George Bush announcing his Savings & Loan rescue plan.with Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and OMB Director Richard Darman in background.
President George Bush announcing his Savings & Loan rescue plan.with Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and OMB Director Richard Darman in background.
President Bush holding budget meeting. With budget Director Richard Darman & CEA adviser Michael Boskin .
President Bush holding budget meeting. With budget Director Richard Darman & CEA adviser Michael Boskin.
Dir. Dick Darman striking jaunty crossed-leg stance, leaning by marine-guarded WH portico after GOP congressional ldrship mtg. On economy & tax cuts.
John Sununu speaking on phone as Dick Darman and Bob Dole hover anxiously, during budget battle between the White House and congressional negotiators.
Pres. Bush mtg. W. Congressional ldrs. Sen. Mitchell, House Spkr. Foley & Rep. Michel, re gulf crisis, in WH Cabinet Rm.
Chief of Staff John Sununu speaking on phone as OMB Dir. Dick Darman & Sen. Min. Ldr. Bob Dole hover anxiously, during battle of budget between WH &...
Chief of Staff John Sununu speaking on phone as OMB Dir. Dick Darman & Sen. Min. Ldr. Bob Dole hover anxiously, during battle of budget between WH &...
Treas. Dept./ OMB Dir. Designate Richard G. Darman with Former Rep./HHS. Secy. Designate Jack F. Kemp arriving for meeting with Pres. Elect George H....
Treas. Dept./ OMB Dir. Designate Richard G. Darman with Former Rep./HHS. Secy. Designate Jack F. Kemp for meeting with Pres. Elect George H. W. Bush.
Budget bk holding OMB Dir. Dick Darman hunching, leaning forward, listening during WH budget briefing, framed by flag.
Pres. Bush signing High Performance Computing Act of 1991 as Energy Secy. Watkins Commerce Secy. Mosbacher & OMB dir. Darman look on.
Chief of Staff John Sununu & OMB Dir. Dick Darman, latter perusing notes, former pensive, attending WH mtg.
Dir. Dick Darman striking jaunty crossed-leg stance, leaning by WH portico after GOP congressional ldrship mtg. On economy & tax cuts.
Dir. Dick Darman striking jaunty crossed-leg stance, leaning by WH portico after GOP congressional ldrship mtg. On economy & tax cuts.
Pres. Bush, OMB Dir. Darman, Rep. Fowler, Sens. Dole & Gramm, announcing budget agreement, in WH Rose Garden.
Quayle, OMB Dir. Darman, Rep. Fowler, Sen. Gramm & Pres. Bush, announcing budget agreement, in WH Rose Garden.
Pres. Bush holding WH Cabinet Rm. Mtg. W. Aides & Hill ldrs. Foley, Mitchell, Helms, Pell, Leahy, Darman, Quayle & Baker, re gulf crisis.
Hill budgeteers Oval Office mtg. Brady, Darman, Gephardt, Mitchell, Foley, Bush, Quayle, Dole, Michel & Sununu.
Hill budgeteers Oval Office mtg. Brady, Darman, Gephardt, Mitchell, Foley, Bush, Quayle, Dole, Michel & Sununu.
Pres. Bush & OMB Dir. Darman in WH Rose Garden for budget agreement, amid knot of Capitol Hill budgeteers, w. Chief of Staff Sununu .
Dir. Darman in WH Rose Garden for budget agreement announcement, flanked by Sens. Hatfield & Domenici .
Dir. Darman in WH Rose Garden for budget agreement announcement, w. Sens. Hatfield, Domenici & Mitchell .
Hill budgeteers Hatfield, Mitchell, Sasser, Sununu, Domenici, Quayle, Darman, Fowler, Bush, Gramm, Brady, Foley, Gray, Conte, Michel & Frenzel.
Hill budgeteers Mitchell, Sununu, Domenici, Quayle, Darman, Fowler, Gramm, Foley, Brady, Gray, Bush, Conte, Frenzel & Michel.
Hill budgeteers Sununu, Domenici, Quayle, Darman, Fowler, Bush, Gramm, Brady, Gray, Foley, Conte, Frenzel & Michel, in WH Rose Garden.
Hill budgeteers Sununu, Quayle, Domenici, Darman, Fowler, Bush, Gramm, Brady, Foley & Gray, announcing agreement in WH Rose Garden.
Quayle, OMB Dir. Darman, Rep. Fowler, Sen. Gramm, House Spkr. Foley, Treas. Secy. Brady, Rep. Gray & Pres. Bush, announcing budget agreement.