Washington, D. C.--General De Gaulle At Press Confab. This is candid view of General Charles DeGaulle, President of the French Provisional...
Charles De Gaulle And Georges Bidault In Paris, France On August 26, 1944 - Charles De Gaulle And Georges Bidault in front Arc de triomphe .
General Charles de Gaulle issues a call to the French people from London, England, June 18 just after the Nazi occupation of France. De Gaulle led...
General Charles de Gaulle, a pioneer of modern warfare who demonstrated great ability as a leader during World War II.
French President Charles de Gaulle gestures during the tape recording of his speech to the French people. The speech marks de Gaulle's appeal for...
Charles De Gaulle, , was a prisoner of war , captured by the Germans on March 2, 1916 and was imprisoned until November 11, 1918. He was also active...
General Wladyslaw Sikorski of Poland, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and General Charles de Gaulle of France gather with other officers for a tank...
L-r Charles De Gaulle captain in the french army, here with his brothers Jacques , the elder Xavier and the younger Pierre : they meet again in 1919...
French President Charles De Gaulle and his wife Yvonne relax at their country home. | Location: Hertforshire, England, UK.